Letting your property?

We have created three simple options for our landlords, easy to understand with no hidden fees or charges

Tenants management

  • Tenant find

  • Tenancy agreement and legislation 

  • Check in/check out

  • Inventory

  • Room inspections (Monthly)

  • Tenant care

We will charge you 15% of the gross income of the property with no other hidden fees.

Property management

  • Utility bills arrangement & Management

  • Maintenance Management

  • Refurbishment and Redecoration Management

  • Legislation & Compliance 

  • Fortnightly cleaner or as required 

  • Property Inspections (Monthly)

  • Fire alarm testing (Monthly)

We will charge you 15% of the gross income of the property with no other hidden fees.

Full property management

  • Everything in tenant and property management

  • Guaranted rent

  • No voids

  • No fees 

  • No hassle

We will charge you 33% of the net income of the property with no other hidden fees.

Sounds too good to be true? 

Call us today or fill in the contact form below.

Thinking of Selling your property?

We have solutions! With Thrice we can buy your property fast for cash with an assisted sale or over a period of time. To ensure you get the best negotiated deal for your property, put your trust within us and let us take the hassle out of selling your house.


Have an urgent need to sell? We can dramatically reduce the time it takes to sell property.

We are able to purchase your property fast for cash, usually for less than the asking price. Let us help you get there quicker.

Assisted sale

If your property is in need of refurbishment or a little cosmetic touch required, we may be able to help.

Where we can add additional value to your property we may be able to carry out the work for you, and sell for a higher price demand at the end of the project.

Over a period of time

We could give you your asking price for your property and up-to £20k more depending on the property and location. We can do a full analysis and give you an estimate of potential earning.

Sounds too good to be true? 

Call us today or fill in the contact form below.

Contact Form

Please complete the questionnaire and one of our team members will get back to you soon.

* Indicates required field